this was the day we went on a walk up the mountain part way, here we began to return.

we had to cross a little man-made creek for irrigation, so the guys threw some logs across it and helped us all over.

the boys wanted to be in a picture, so i got them in this one, even though many of them, and myself were disappointed that we couldnt climb all the way up the mountain......maybe another time.

here are some of the "arriba" girls who were counselors at camp, and are hear in Peru for a year long "internship"

more of the little creek

me at camp! the colorful little thing behind me was my snack shop!

here are some colorful flowers in the little pueblo just outside of "la fortaleza", our camp.

part of one of many feilds of sugar cane!

here's the view from where we stoped on our trek up the mountain, overlooking the valley where the camp is in.

the far end of the camp, where there are tall trees :)

one of many beautiful sunsets in the mountains

view of the main part of camp, with the dinning hall, soccer goals, windmill and the chapel in front of it

chickens roam the camp. i theorize that they're plotting to take over.........unless we eat them all first!

pretty sunset

boys dorm in front. the smoke is coming from burning the sugar cane, so that they can get rid of the thick, sharp leaves, to harvest the sugar cane itself

wonderful wind mill!

outside of camp, neighbor girls chase vulturess (?) out of their feilds

me on top of the windmill

my roooooooom. notice the nice space between the top of the wall and the roof, so we could catch a breeze, and see the stars at night. horray

sugar cane, palm trees and hill

entrance to camp

more mountains (the wall is camp)

on the right is the dining hall, then my kiosko and behind that the girls dorm