this was on friday. it was middle eastern day.

more arab girls. our team decorated the kitchen by hanging up sheets and i drew some keyhole arches and arab writting

one of the many things we had to do for the treasure hunt game we played was to smear mud all over our faces. this is my friend and roomie Gisela and i!

this was my attempt at looking chinese on thursday but stephanie came alot closer!!

so we all had to do this really long obsticle course involving rolling in the grass, crawling through mud, dirt, swinging from ropes, pushing a truck and rolling some more.....fun!

ashley and heidi got dirty too!

jose and i at the banquet on thursday night

Hannah stilwell and i dressed up.

'sierra' day! we had to decorate our rooms and ourselves like from the mt. region of peru

David y Samuel dressed up as farmers from the mountains. haha

the boys planted corn in one of their rooms! okay so not really but they did have to sweep up all the dirt afterwards im sure

i have no idea why by my group chose me to be the arm wrestler for our team. i won this match though!

throwing a spy in the pool! he was spying on another team while they were discussing the next clue to finding the 'treasure'

tuesday was 'selva' day (rainforest) so we decorated our room!

and painted our faces!!

and i attempted to draw a tucan

two mountain girls