on tuesday we drove out to camp to work on pump problems and we definatley drove through the creek!

Peruvan corn! (that one's for dad!! :D)

that is actually a graveyard, even though i thought it was a town at first.

Kandie and Rebekah looking at/purchasing meat at the market (yeh i got a few weird looks for taking a picture in the market place....)

monday we went into town to buy some things and Rebekah and I had fun trying on hats :)

the new windows at camp! (there werent any when i was working there)

me on top of the climbing wall at camp

pre-incan ruins on the road to camp

four girls singing at 'Jovenes" meeting last Saturday night

3 cute kids of the church playing around after the service

cute little boy!

Hermano Luis' wife and son..... not sure their names..

church kids! they were very excited about getting taken pictures of. haha